От ляво : Justus Felix Wehmer, CO-CEO Microscopy of the business group, Professor Dr. Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems (IMWS, Halle), Dr. Michael Kaschke, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss AG, and Dr. Markus Weber, CO-CEO of the Microscopy business group, opening the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe.
На 24 Април 2017 ZEISS отвори новия ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe в Oberkochen . Това е най- мащабния ZEISS Клиентски център , включващ светлинни , електронни и X-ray на едно място: тук клиентите от Индустрията и Академичните среди могат да опитат корелативна микроскопия и също така 3D микроскопия.
From left : Justus Felix Wehmer, CO-CEO Microscopy of the business group, Professor Dr. Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems (IMWS, Halle), Dr. Michael Kaschke, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss AG, and Dr. Markus Weber, CO-CEO of the Microscopy business group, opening the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe.
ZEISS Opens New Microscopy Customer Center
Experience correlative and advanced 3D microscopy
On 24 April 2017 ZEISS opened the new ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe at the Oberkochen site. This is the most comprehensive ZEISS Customer Center including light, electron and X-ray microscopy in a single location: here users from Industry and Academia can try out correlative workflows between the different microscopy technologies and also advanced 3D microscopy.